InstitutionalCode of Conduct

The following points are outlined in the Prospectus of the Institution regarding the institutional code of conduct for the students.

  • Use of drugs, chewing betel nut and tobacco is strictly prohibited within the college premises.
  • Use of Cell Phones in the campus is barred by law and any violation of this would lead to penal action.
  • Sobriety and modesty in matters of dress and general behavior must be maintained. Use of odd hair colours is not permittedin the college campus
  • Conduct must foster and preserve communal harmony in letter and spirit.
  • Littering, damaging and / or defacing college property is a punishable offence and monetary compensation shall be charged if found indulging in such act.
  • While in campus, students must wear their duly signed College Identity Card without fail.
  • All scheduled lectures are compulsory. Students, whose attendances fall below 75% of the total lectures, would be debarred from appearing in the University examinations.
  • Students are required to submit their Migration Certificates within fifteen (15) days counted from the date of admission.
  • Students would have to produce a No Outstanding Certificate from the college library before being allowed to fill in the end semester examination forms.
  • Students are required to make formal request for the issuance of Transfer Certificate (if required). Issuance of TC would be subject to clearing of all college dues by the applicant.
  • The college authority shall not be responsible for any misconduct/ misbehaviour outside the college premises. The institute expects its students to remember that non-compliance to the rules and regulations, violation of any of the conduct norms and any act of indiscipline is liable to attract penal action in terms of fine and /or even expulsion from the college if the Discipline Committee of the college so decides.
  • Besides, there is a Discipline Committee which is responsible for monitoring the code of conduct of both the students and the faculty. The committee looks into all matters related to the maintenance of discipline in the institution. Besides this, there is a complaint box as well as a Suggestion Box meant for the students to provide their valuable suggestions. It used by them to express their views and opinions regarding any matter related to teaching and in general, the functioning of the college.
Womens' College, Shillong

An Education India Institute
Re-accredited by NAAC in 2020 Grade- B

Institutional Partner


Miranda House,
University of Delhi

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Upper New Colony, Laitumkhrah, Shillong,
Meghalaya - 793003


(0364) 2221618



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